"Consider well the seed that gave you birth: you were not made to live your lives as brutes, but to be followers of worth and knowledge." (Dante's Inferno XXVI, 117-120)
My name is Daniel. I have been a university lecturer for several years after getting an advanced degree in EU Law. I'm currently living in the Bay Area and studying web development to pursue a new career in tech.
Course Report
Course Report is the leading aggregator website for immersive technology education. It connects more than 400 technology education providers with prospective students and it receives in excess of 500,000 visitors each month. As part of the project me and my colleague, Paula Goyales, rebuilt the matching algorithm of web app, added a new starting date based search feature, created an advertising / information banner, and optimized the webpage for mobile platforms.
We rebuilt the matching (search) algorithm of the webpage to more accurately search based on the ratings of the campuses in the searched cities. This included:
adding columns using PostgreSQL for average ratings for individual campuses
creating rake tasks to recalculate the average ratings
rebuilding the search algorithm to search based on campus ratings and avoiding n + 1 queries, increasing its efficiency by 40%
We added a new starting date based search feature to more accurately connect schools and students. This included:
reviewing database schema and creating new search query
adding dropdown options to slim template
adding tests to ensure reliability (view function and controller tests)
Finally, we added dynamic ad / information banner to the homepage that can be controlled from the ActiveAdmin UI. This included:
adding columns to the database using PostgreSQL
adding entry points in the ActiveAdmin UI
designing and populating the banner from the database when the feature is turned on
This is a Twitter Clone back end I and fellow student Zoran Savic built on minimal starter code. The source code of the app is available here. The project included the following elements:
designing the resource structure and blueprints of the back end in Python Flask
creating the functionalities, coding the logic of the app, and styling the app using Jinja templating
deploying the app on Heroku, migrating the DB, and populating it with dummy dataset
Hack Or Snooze
This is a Hacker News Clone I and fellow student Max Nawa built on an existing back end. The project included the following elements:
designing the structure of the web app
creating and styling the app using HTML and CSS, and adding BootStrap
coding the app logic using JS and jQuery (incl. API queries using Ajax)
React Todo List
This is a todo list app I created as part of Rithm School's Full Stack Web Development bootcamp. The project included the following elements:
devising the structure (components, layers, and relationships) of the React app
designing and coding the necessary components and styling the app using BootStrap
adding Redux (a possible overkill for such a small app) to keep track of the app state
Memory Game
This is a memory game web app I created as part of the pre-work for Rithm School's Full Stack Web Development bootcamp. The source code of the app is available here. The project included the following elements:
devising and coding the memory game logic in vanilla JS
designing and coding the meme generator webpage in HTML, CSS, and BootStrap
deploying the meme generator using GitHub Pages
Meme Generator
This is a meme generator web app I created as part of the pre-work for Rithm School's Full Stack Web Development bootcamp. The source code of the webpage is available here. The project included the following elements:
coding the meme generator logic in JS
designing and coding the meme generator webpage in HTML, CSS, and BootStrap